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Huws Gray, Beaumaris time-lapse camera.jpg

Time Lapse Videos

Speed up reality! Where something takes shape over an extended time period, time lapse video adds a fascinating extra level of engagement to a video production.

It's particularly (though not exclusively) suited to construction videos as it allows camera(s) to be left in place for days, weeks or months capturing images at set time intervals - every 20 seconds or every minute for example. The individual images are stitched together to form a video clip, which allows everything to be seen speeded up when played back at normal speed.

Our cameras allow footage to be captured only at certain times, e.g. Mon-Fri 07:30-17:00, to avoid filming when there's no activity, although time lapse footage also goes through post production when inevitable time periods where nothing of interest was happening are removed. We also speed the footage up further, as required.

Time lapse video is sometimes useful to be shown publicly by itself, for example various time lapse clips could be used to capture interest on social media as a project develops.

However, whilst there can be some benefits from using time lapse-only footage, these images typically work best when mixed with other footage filmed from the ground and, where appropriate, from the air. A mixture of images, including time lapse, when passed through high-quality post production, can provide an excellent showcase for a business's project.

A number of examples where time lapse video has been integrated into video productions can be seen below.

time lapse camera, Huws Gray site, Shrewsbury 2_edited.png
time lapse video examples
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